Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Jekar Khargok

The structures of the southeast complex. Probable Buddhist structure, east sector of the northwest complex. Walls of the east sector of the northwest complex. The northwest and southeast (foreground) complexes. The west sector of the northwest complex. The east sector of the northwest complex. A monastic structure at Namgyel Lhatsé (<i>rnam rgyal lha rtse</i>). Note the way in which one of the earthen walls is buttressed with stone. The structures of the southeast complex.
The castle remains are situated on the summit of the formation to the right. The main complex of Namgyel Lhatsé (<i>rnam rgyal lha rtse</i>) Monastery can be seen on the flanks of same formation. The summit on the left side of the image also hosted a monastic structure.

Jekar Khargok in Places
