Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

THL Title Text

Photographs in Kharlung Khargok

A coherent wall segment. The Gar (<i>sgar</i>) Valley from old Malhé (<i>ma lhas</i>) Village. Buddhist temple ruins, old Malhé (<i>ma lhas</i>) Village. Part of the old Malhé (<i>ma lhas</i>) Village dispersion. The yüllha (<i>yul lha</i>) of old Malhé (<i>ma lhas</i>), Mé Pabong (<i>mes pha bong</i>). A close-up of a formidably built outer wall. The northern edge of the castle. The cobble remains of the castle.
The highly degraded structures of the castle. The ruined house of an old chieftain, Kharlung (<i>mkhar lung</i>). Ruined Buddhist chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>), old Kharlung (<i>mkhar lung</i>) Village. Cobble rubble and tiny coherent wall segments, old Kharlung (<i>mkhar lung</i>) Village. A portion of the old Kharlung (<i>mkhar lung</i>) Village dispersion.

Kharlung Khargok in Places
