Tibetan and Himalayan Library - THL

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Resources Associated with Gya Nyima Khar

Photographs in Gya Nyima Khar

A fragment of the defensive wall that ringed the site. The summit from the stone and rammed-earth structure located on the eastern extremity of the site. The adobe and rammed earth castle. Note the circumvallating terrace below the summit. The stone and rammed-earth structure on the east side.
The site’s long summit. A close-up of chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>) at Yama Chöten (<i>g.ya’ ma mchod rten</i>). Some of the many stone chöten (<i>mchod rten</i>) at Yama Chöten (<i>g.ya’ ma mchod rten</i>).

Gya Nyima Khar in Places
